Information on Flights taken by SDI Staff
Date received
27 October 2020
Date responded
24 November 2020
Information requested
Since March 2020 how many flights have been taken by staff of Scottish Development International on official business since 1 March 2020. Please detail the costs of these flights, the destinations, how many staff members travelled, and the reasons provided for the travel.
How many first class and or business class flights have been taken by staff of Scottish Development International on official business in each of the past 5 financial years including, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21. Please detail the costs of these flights,the destinations, how many staff members travelled and the reasons provided for the travel. For 2020-21 given that we are in year could you please provide the figures to date.
We confirm that no flights have been taken by staff of Scottish Development International on official business since 1 March 2020. Any booked flights were subsequently cancelled. A spreadsheet detailing the flight information requested is provided to you at Appendix A.
Please note the following information and advice:
- April 16 – March 17 Column B shows charge/exchange/refund. Flight refunds and exchanges are difficult to match up, as refunds/exchanges often happen across different months, so for completeness, all information has been retained.
- April 17 – April 18 As above.
- April 18 – March 19 As above, plus from December 18 onwards we used a new supplier, which meant information was recorded in a different format. Fare class was not fully registered, so to meet the terms of your FOI request, any possible economy class were removed and any listed as ‘not specified’ were retained; as these may have been first/business class but we are unable to confirm that from our system records.
- April 19 – March 20 As above, however from July onwards business/first was registered.
- March 20 – October 20 All travel included irrelevant of class of travel as requested.
Contact us
For further information please contact our communications team, quoting the FOI reference number.