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Evaluation of entrepreneurship event for disabled people


The conference, on 20th December 2003, aimed to demonstrate SE and Careers Scotland’s commitment and support for enterprise for all people in Scotland with a disability. The evaluation summarised feedback from the attendees about the organisation of the event.


The methodology consisted of a questionnaire to conference attendees, of which 170 completed questionnaires were collated (out of a possible 450 attendees).


48% of attendees were disabled. Highlights that the majority of delegates came from the central belt. 98% of delegates thought that the organisation of the event was good to excellent and that the venue was appropriate. Sets out the types of extra facilities that were provided for delegates. Lists delegates’ comments about speakers and notes that positive outweigh the negative remarks. 96% attended the stands. The workshops were nearly all well received, with the motivation workshop scoring highest and the bank talk about money scoring lowest. Delegates also comment that: disabled people felt ‘mainstream’; it was an inspiring and motivating conference; and there were opportunities for networking.


Key recommendations for future conferences include: learn from experience; more advertising; run over several days; run in different geographical areas; provide morning coffee break; start later in the day; organise more special transport; more detailed information about workshops prior to event; allow for more interaction in workshops; make time for Question and Answer session from platform; and ensure that people with learning difficulties are also given examples of successful business opportunities. Concludes that the conference should be run again.

Author Ideas in Partnership
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Equity
    Equal opportunities
  • Enterprise
    Social enterprise