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Our strategic priorities

Scottish Enterprise supports ambitious companies to grow and scale through innovation, investment and internationalisation. We use our networks, insights and collaborative work with partners, entrepreneurs and innovators to drive transformation in the economy.

Our focus on economic transformation

Our goal is to create a more productive, resilient and competitive economy for Scotland.

To achieve this, we work to drive business innovation, build international competitiveness and encourage more investment in companies and infrastructure. We also help businesses access opportunities created by the global shift to net zero.

Our focus is to achieve three interlinked missions, which address the transformative economic opportunities facing Scotland and the world:

  • To create an internationally competitive renewable energy industry in Scotland
  • To scale the impact of Scotland’s innovation strengths in high growth industries of the future
  • To drive capital investment to deliver a step-change in Scotland’s productivity

These are the areas where Scottish Enterprise can deliver the most value, make the biggest impact and help unlock Scotland’s economic potential. The missions will enable us to deliver bigger impacts with a sustained focus over time, ultimately creating opportunities that will increase Scotland’s innovation, internationalisation and performance.

Read more about our ambition 

Watch a video from Adrian Gillespie, Scottish Enterprise's CEO, in which he outlines the organisation's objectives and priorities for focusing on economic transformation:

For the latest information about our corporate focus, you can download our strategy (PDF, 2.2 MB, 40 pages)opens in a new window

Scottish Enterprise is central to the successful delivery of the National Strategy for Economic Transformation. We play a leading role in helping to create a fair, sustainable and growing Scottish economy. This has been set out in the latest strategic guidance from the Scottish Government.

Correspondence from Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Fair Work and Energy, Neil Grey, 16 October 2023 (PDF, 124 KB)opens in a new window

Supporting a responsible and sustainable economy

Creating a more responsible and sustainable economy is at the heart of our strategic approach. We embed this ambition across all our activities to harness the transformational benefits that come through addressing net zero, fair work and equal opportunities. 

We help businesses operate in responsible and sustainable ways, to deliver positive impacts for people and planet – as well as profits and prosperity. This makes good business sense and directly drives business competitiveness and productivity.  

Scottish Enterprise targets its funding support at companies that are committed to adopting fair work and net zero practices. For companies that haven't yet embraced these principles, we provide practical support to help them become more resilient, competitive and productive.

Our net zero framework

Our net zero framework outlines our approach to help tackle climate change and address biodiversity loss. It focuses on economic opportunities that deliver benefits for both the environment and society.

Learn more about our net zero framework 

Championing fair work and equality

As an employer, we champion practices that promote fair work and equality.

As one of Scotland’s Top 10 Flexible Employers, we pride ourselves on empowering our colleagues to work when and where they prefer, so they can deliver at their best. We support the development of our employees throughout their careers, adopt a wide range of progressive workplace practices and pay the real Living Wage.

In recent years, we’ve made real progress in terms of equal opportunities and actively promoting and celebrating our organisation’s diversity. We aim to realise Scotland’s full economic potential by mainstreaming equal opportunities in our policies and practices as both an employer and service provider.

To find out more about our equality, diversity and inclusion activities, read our Equality and Diversity Mainstreaming Report (PDF, 4.14MB) opens in a new window

Our people strategy

Our people strategy supports the delivery of our near-term corporate priorities, as well as underpinning our overarching ambition by building strength for the future. We believe that if we're able to achieve these goals, we'll be able to unlock the full potential of every one of our colleagues, current and future, in order to best deliver our purpose in transforming Scotland's economy. 

Read our full people strategy (PDF, 1.57 MB)opens in a new window 

Our values

Our purpose is underpinned by our values. These values guide our decisions, how we deliver and how we interact. They provide an aspirational direction for our future development.

  • Be ambitious

    We will:

    • Transform the future by embracing new challenges and opportunities
    • Strive to make our organisation more accessible and inclusive
    • Push boundaries to achieve more
    • Set ambitious goals while delivering quality performance
  • Be impactful

    We will:

    • Drive forward to deliver results 
    • Stand up for what’s right and take ownership of our actions
    • Work together to achieve our shared purpose 
    • Make our impact sustainable 
    • Act with respect and empathy
  • Be dynamic

    We will:

    • Be confident to take informed risks and make well-timed decisions
    • Feel empowered to be our best
    • Reduce complexity
    • Continuously improve by listening and acting at pace

Got a question?

Get in touch with one of our advisers. We're always ready to help.