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MAP evaluation 2003


The Market Advantage Programme (MAP) aimed to enhance marketing and commercial knowledge in the Scottish food and drink sector. The evaluation aimed to: assess the extent to which both individuals and businesses in the sector have benefited from their participation since 1998; identify whether the programme represents good value for money; and provide recommendations on the future continuance, design, delivery and direction of MAP.


The methodology consisted of: a document review; scoping and key stakeholder interviews; surveys with delegates, participating and non-participating businesses; an analysis of data and information; and an economic impact evaluation.


MAP workshops and best practice visits (BPVs) demonstrate reasonable cost effectiveness and value-for-money. The cost-benefit ratio for MAP activities is 5.5 in terms of public sector input. Suggests that participating businesses and delegates benefit from MAP participation. In most instances, the workshops are appropriate for the client groups. Some workshops are poorly attended and are cross-subsidised by more popular events. The workshops’ design and delivery mechanisms have been generally welcomed with minimal negative comments. Indicates that MAP activities and objectives have demonstrated strategic alignment with wider Scottish Food and Drink, SE Network and Scottish Executive priorities. Some organisations have not participated in MAP events due to their direct and associated costs. NB the economic impact calculations in this report do not wholly adhere to the Scottish Enterprise Economic Impact Assessment Guidance launched in 2006, therefore please treat these figures with caution. Please use the"Contact Us" button if you need more information.


Recommends that the MAP and BPV activities should continue. Suggests low demand workshops should not proceed and a system should be introduced to assess workshop viability. Observes that the selection of workshop topics and BPVs should be informed by market research from participating and non-participating businesses. Notes that activities should be fully co-ordinated with other Scottish Food and Drink activities and other generic business support services. Recommends the continuation of ongoing monitoring of individual workshops.

Author Scottish Economic Research
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    Sector-level support
  • Sectors
    Food and drink