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Final evaluation of CSAP Innovation Fund


Scottish Enterprise (SE) Borders received funding from the Construction Skills Action Plan Innovation Fund to: carry out training needs analyses with local construction companies for the development of training plans; establish a local construction training group; and raise awareness of careers in the construction industry among local school pupils and unemployed people. The project was delivered through the Borders Construction Industry Forum. The aim of the evaluation was to: assess the project's operation and delivery; identify attitudes and approaches to training in companies prior to participation; examine whether participation led to training activities being carried out by companies; explore barriers to companies carrying out future training; assess how the project changed over the two years of its delivery and whether it could be improved; assess the economic impact of the project on the participants and the wider economy; and assess the sustainability of the programme and make recommendations.


The approval papers and funding application were reviewed, as was management information on the performance of the project to date. SE Borders and Borders Construction Industry Forum staff were consulted. Participating businesses were surveyed and a small number consulted in person. A meeting of the Borders Training Group was attended and telephone interviews were carried out with Training Group members.


The Construction Learning Account part of the project was found to be working well. Previous concerns had been voiced about the implementation of the Borders Training Group, but progress had been made since then. Involvement with students and young people was found to be wide-ranging, but work with unemployed people was seen as a weak area. Overall, the project was deemed to be successful, with significant positive impact on the local construction industry.


It was recommended that: training needs analyses be retained; participants' training plan progress should be reviewed; more financial support should be offered for training; steps should be take to ensure the sustainability of the Training Group; and work with schools and the unemployed should be developed.

Author GEN Consulting
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Sectors
  • Enterprise
    Sector-level support
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development