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Marketing for Success evaluation – final report


The Marketing for Success (MfS) project aimed to increase the level of strategic marketing knowledge among companies and help each company to develop and implement a strategic marketing plan. The evaluation aimed to assess the project’s operation and constituent activities, and to provide recommendations for future operational development in this area of work.


The methodology consisted of: desk research; face-to-face consultations with project managers, the delivery consultancy and Client Manager; and a company survey.


The project has fulfilled its rationale, in terms of addressing market failure and assisting companies which do not have the capacity to develop the required skills and knowledge without SEB’s support. Highlights that the majority of companies are at the early stages of implementing their new marketing plans and considers it premature to attempt a full assessment of the benefits. Notes that the cost of the project was lower than anticipated. Finds that participants provided very positive feedback on the workshops, although some proposals were made in terms of content. Suggests that the project has the potential to link well with other products. Observes that overall the companies’ perception of MfS is positive. Notes that MfS helps towards a more strategic inclusion of marketing with companies’ activities.


Recommends that further support of this nature should be provided to SMEs in the Scottish Borders, while monitoring the availability of national SE products. Suggests that SEB should continue to monitor the progress of participating companies, with a particular focus on ensuring that those who have found it difficult to finalise their plans proceed to the implementation stage. Advises undertaking a follow-on exercise within six months to a year. Considers it would be beneficial to offer further support and resources to assist companies complete the home exercises and the plan.

Author EKOS Limited
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    Support to existing/growth businesses