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National evaluation of Determined to Succeed: part 1 - early implementation processes across Scotland September 2004 - August 2005


The Determined to Succeed: Enterprise in Education programme aimed to prepare young people for the world of work through enterprising and entrepreneurial learning, work-based vocational learning and appropriately focused career education. The evaluation (phase 1) aimed to examine the views of key stakeholders on initial planning and early implementation of DtS / EinE in Scotland (a separate evaluation (phase 2) focused on the impact of the DtS strategy). The evaluation aimed to assess how the DtS strategy had developed the initial EinE infrastructure through learning and development, communication, curriculum design and revision, management, programme logistics and leadership. It also aimed to explore how successful inter-agency working had been in the early days of the strategy.


The methodology was qualitative and consisted of: strategic interviews; interviews with all 32 Local Authority (LA) co-ordinators; case studies; and a desk study of relevant publications.


Finds that LAs and schools have made considerable efforts to implement the DtS strategy. Almost all LAs have set up multi-agency steering groups. Develops a typology of implementation models. Suggests there is a consistent approach to EinE across all LAs and schools, although less progress has been made in secondary schools. All LAs have implemented a communication strategies but there is some evidence of lower awareness among teachers, other than senior teachers and DtS co-ordinators. Little initial progress has been made to engage parents. Notes that half of LAs have made good progress towards developing partnerships between schools and employers. Suggests there are initial positive impacts of the strategy, but it is too early to measure or quantify them.


Concludes that the Scottish Executive needs to consider ways to encourage LAs to establish stronger links with businesses. Recommends that a greater focus should be placed on encouraging secondary schools to take steps to embed EinE into the curriculum. Notes that LAs may need to dedicate specific resources to improve provision in this area.

Author National Foundation for Educational Research
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development