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Scottish Technology Showcase evaluation


The Scottish Technology Showcase (STS) is an event held at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (SECC) designed to showcase Scottish technology capabilities to a broad audience and provide a supportive environment for technology providers in Scotland to collaborate, seize new opportunities and grow their business. The evaluation aimed to synthesise the range of information that exists on the events and draw out the key issues around satisfaction, benefits realised and impacts achieved.


The methodology consisted of a review of existing documentary sources around the development and review of the showcase events within the current project (2010-2013), as well as feedback from attendees at three points in time: almost immediately after the 2010 event; almost immediately after the 2011 event; and in early 2012 (6 months after the 2011 event and a year and a half after the 2010 event).


Overall, the evaluation found that there is a clear rationale for intervention around the STS and it has a strong fit with the policy environment. Findings suggest that progress is solid against objectives, but that more needs to be done to maximise the potential benefits of the events and meet all objectives. Attendee feedback was positive, with high satisfaction (over two thirds satisfied) with the various organisational elements of the events (event website, information, online registration and venue registration). The follow up survey suggested that 55 per cent of respondents were either satisfied or very satisfied with the event overall. The main attractors of attendees are the exhibition and matchmaking zones. Over half of the surveyed participants suggested they had met valuable contacts at the event and that they would be following up with them after the event. The main benefits of attending the showcase events were found to be networking (specifically making links with new companies) and knowledge (specifically improving their understanding of support available within Scotland). These two benefit areas were cited by at least 60 per cent of follow up survey respondents. Other benefits were also realised, although to a lesser extent, including finance benefits (£511,000 raised), follow up research and development/innovation benefits (£520,000 committed) and sales benefits (£659,000 realised). The net additional impact was also positive, but relatively low in scale terms. However, due to the low cost of intervention, the overall value for money of the intervention appears to be positive.


Recommendations were made in relation to potential areas that could be explored to further enhance the planning, management and delivery of the events, rather than any more substantive changes. These related to: the core questions asked in the feedback surveys; collaboration with exhibitors; and wider marketing channels.

Author Scottish Enterprise Appraisal and Evaluation Team
Published Year 2013
Report Type Evaluation
  • Sectors
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
  • Enterprise
    Support to existing/growth businesses