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Jones and Campbell PACE response evaluation


The Forth Valley Partnership Action for Continuing Employment (FV PACE) team aimed to respond to the closure of the Jones and Campbell Foundry in Larbert, Stirlingshire and ensure that alternative routes to employment were found quickly. The evaluation aimed to: identify the key activities of the FV PACE team; determine the effectiveness of the key activities; identify any best practice, particularly in respect of resourcing; present recommendations in respect of future funding and delivery methods; and identify options to be developed as part of the FV PACE ‘toolkit’.


The methodology consisted of: interviews with PACE team members, additional key members of staff involved in the Jones and Campbell response, and the Job Guarantee Training Management Agent; and scripted telephone interviews with 43 former Jones and Campbell employees.


Highlights the overall success of the PACE response and that jobs have been gained in priority industries. Shows the requirements of the framework were implemented, with the exception of initial setting of targets. Finds high re-deployment outcomes after only six months. Notes that only 24% are still in their original Job Guarantee employment after six months. Mentions that there is some confusion over payment arrangements outwith the National Programmes. Observes the successful use of an on-site coordinator and a Management Agent. Considers that the training itself has not proved as successful as in other response initiatives.


Recommends setting initial targets and establishing tracking mechanisms. Advises that the current working arrangements for PACE on-site provision continue to be part of the ‘toolkit’. Suggests linking future funding for Job Guarantee training to contracts and Training for Work. Recommends that: service levels for payment of funds should be agreed initially; a central coordinator should be appointed; an application should be made to the Scottish Executive for National Programme flexibilities; and more robust mechanisms applied to the approval of job guarantee offers.

Author Hothouse World UK Ltd (Angela Black)
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Economic Inclusion