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Evaluation of BSUSS


The Business Start Up Support Service (BSUSS) was Scottish Enterprise Glasgow's (SEG) main volume-based mechanism to encourage new business formation. Delivered through the network of Local Economic Development Companies (LEDC), it provided different levels of support depending on the anticipated scale of the new business idea being pursued. The evaluation sought to review the BSUSS programme as a whole.


The methodology consisted of desk research, postal and telephone surveys and consultation with key stakeholders.


The evaluation found that, on aggregate, the BSUSS programme had been successful and had more than achieved intended targets. The review also found that is had delivered value for money.


Recommendations for SEG from this evaluation included: explore the feasibility and relevance of differentiated support between those in employment and those not in employment; improve availability of centralised services such as specialist advisors; more clarity in terms of available support; keep simple approach to management and delivery; improve aftercare delivery with more specific resources and targets associated with aftercare in delivery contracts; and introduce networking initiatives to new-start companies.

Author EKOS Limited
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    Entrepreneurship/new firm formation