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Evaluation of the Leadership and Management Development Programme


The Leadership and Management Development Programme (LMDP) has, since 1993, operated a range of tailored programmes designed to enhance management and leadership skills within Lanarkshire companies. There are two distinct types of support available: groups programmes and individual company programmes. The evaluation aimed to assess the impact the programme has had on businesses and individuals in Lanarkshire.


Consultations were undertaken with Scottish Enterprise Lanarkshire (SEL) and delivery contractors. Companies and individuals were surveyed. A programme development workshop was held.


The evaluation concluded that: the LMDP's targets were largely met; participating companies created new jobs and new sales as a result of the programme; the programme met the objectives of national economic development strategies; participating companies and contractors may not have been fully aware of the hierarchy of intervention behind the LMDP; and SEL managers saw the LMDP as a well integrated and useful portfolio of programmes for using with Lanarkshire's companies.


Four main recommendations were made: consistent targeting; programme development informed by market intelligence; progress monitoring; and tighter programme management.

Author EKOS Limited
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Leadership/management development