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Training and Employment Grants Scheme evaluation: revised final report


SEFV’s Training and Employment Grants Scheme (TEGS) aimed to: increase employment opportunities for the long-term unemployed; increase long-term employability; change business attitudes to training and the long-term unemployed; and have an impact upon business development. The evaluation aimed to: provide an overview of TEGS in Scotland; identify TEGS’ main strengths and weaknesses; assess the extent to which TEGS has attained its stated objectives; consider the issue of deadweight and additionality; and make a number of recommendations.


The evaluation consisted of: an analysis of statistical records; interviews with staff involved in policy and delivery; interviews with trainees and companies supported through TEGS; and an overview of other TEGS initiatives elsewhere within the Scottish Enterprise area.


Finds that the extent to which the Scheme attained its objectives was mixed. Highlights that the good aspects of TEGS include: its efficiency; its effectiveness in targeting client groups and geographic areas; the sustainability of some trainees’ jobs; the early leaving rate being lower than for comparable programmes; the benefits for some participants; the economic benefits for some employers; changes to some employers’ recruitment practices; greater attention to staff training; and filling gaps in provision. Issues include: limited marketing; the high level of wage subsidy; the lack of formal training plans; a lack of employer involvement in all of the plans; the training being mainly “on-the-job”; the limited number of qualifications gained; and a significant level of deadweight. Finds only a slight complementarity between TEGS and Gateway to Training and Employment Grants. Concludes that whilst at the margins there was additionality it is debatable if these limited gains justify the significant deadweight.


Recommends that TEGS should not continue in its current form. Presents four options for a TEGS replacement and suggests that option 3, the Targeted Training and Employment Support Fund, be implemented.

Author GEN Consulting
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development, Economic Inclusion