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Evaluation of Learning Journeys


The Learning Journeys Programme sought to expose British tourism businesses to the operational practices of two exemplar businesses, the Disney Institute in Florida, USA, and the Schindlerhof Hotel in Nuremberg, Germany. It aimed to encourage delegates to follow the lessons learnt from these businesses, and pass this knowledge on to other staff members and other Scottish businesses. The visits involved guided walks, seminars and talks. This study seeks to evaluate the success of the Programme.


The Programme was evaluated using a survey of a representative sample of delegates. The survey covered various topics, such as reasons for attending, rating of content, key lessons learnt, value for money etc. In addition to this, a sample of chief executives/owners of business were asked to identify leadership development needs and discuss alternatives to the Programme.


Finds that management training was the main reason for delegate participation in the Programme. The content of the course was rated highly (4.4 out of 5). The main lessons learnt by delegates were in the area of human resources, and general management and development issues along with customer care improvements were also seen as important. Most companies had disseminated the lessons they had learnt to other members of staff. Delegates found the programme to be good value for money. The Programme has generated employment of about 57 FTEs, and over £0.5m of income (Gross Value Added) to the Scottish economy.


Recommends that as the outcomes from the Disney and Nuremburg journeys are similar, the Disney journeys should be discontinued to save money. Also suggests that the journeys should include more interactive content, that delegates should be limited to two per organisation and that Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise should continue involvement in the programme. Suggests that the cost of the journey should be increased and that new learning journey destinations should be sought over the next few years, with a preference for destinations in Scotland.

Author Jones Economics
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    Support to existing/growth businesses
  • Sectors