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Evaluation of Partnership by Design: final report


Partnership by Design, initiated by Scottish Enterprise Dunbartonshire (SED), aimed to: promote effective partnerships to develop and implement economic development strategies; focus on common objectives and aspirations, building effective and efficient linkages and being prepared to assume leadership or step back as appropriate; and improve teamwork and partnership through performance and the recognition of achievements. The evaluation aimed to assess the Partnership by Design process, toolkit and review process.


The methodology consisted of: interviews with SED staff who were responsible for seven different partnership reviews; a scorecard questionnaire to all of the people involved in the Partnership by Design process; interviews with SED’s strategic partners; a review of SED documentation in discussion with SED; and the production of a ‘flow chart’ of the review process.


The process was a significant investment for SED. Overall the process had a high profile and was viewed positively by staff. Suggests that the process led to a number of intangible outcomes and it is important not to undervalue them. It left SED with enhanced partnership skills. Finds that there was a missed opportunity to embed the process in SED’s structures. There were tangible benefits for individual partnerships, and in one case led to a complete reorganisation and refocusing of a partnership. Concludes that the partnership database has not offered SED value for money.


Recommends maintaining but streamlining the toolkit, reviewing the detailed content of the toolkit, and complementing the toolkit with other tools. In order to embed the tools and their use, suggests that there should be: an ongoing review of the relationship management toolkit on the SE’s intranet; scope to influence the way partnership working is approached in the continued development of the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system; a structured approach in CMT’s commitment to partnership working; and partnership working embedded in SED’s future operational plans. To take forward the continued effort to focus on and improve partnership working, proposes a five-stage process.

Author Rocket Science
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Other