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Small Companies Innovation Scheme: Evaluation – Final Report Prepared for Scottish Enterprise Renfrewshire


The Small Companies Innovation Support Scheme (SCIS) aimed to provide wholly integrated project support to SMEs for their product or process development, from market research to product launch. The evaluation aimed to undertake an early assessment of the net economic impacts of the SCIS to date on the companies assisted, and the anticipated impacts of this assistance, as well as assess the value for money of the projects and cost per job.


The methodology consisted of face-to-face interviews with 13 of the 18 companies which had participated in the SCIS.


Early results show that the SCIS has met four key targets. The major impacts of the project are forecast over the next two years and have a high level of risk associated with them. Notes that companies felt the balance between the application and monitoring requirements of SCIS and access funding was good.


Recommends that a review is undertaken of the process by which support is given to companies who do not have the skills to develop a SCIS application. Suggests an analysis of all support channels to Renfrewshire businesses is undertaken and that aftercare support is made available to SCIS companies. SE Renfrewshire should consider implementing a mechanism to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience between exemplar SCIS companies and potential SCIS companies. Recommends that SE Renfrewshire reviews its PR process regarding SCIS.

Author Knowledge Partnership
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Innovation
    Business innovation