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Therapeutic and diagnostic antibody sector: current status and future directions


Monoclonal antibodies (mabs) are monospecific antibodies that are artificially produced from particular substances in order to detect or purify those substances. They are important tools in biochemistry, molecular biology and medicine. This study sought to assess the current market situation with regard to the use of mabs in the diagnosis and treatment of disease, and make projections for future growth.


The study took the form of desk-based research, looking at: the status of the antibody sector; current technologies; intellectual property; current challenges; strategies for addressing those challenges; and manufacturing.


The report drew a number of key conclusions, including the following: the antibody is likely to undergo further engineering to address current challenges and broaden its utility; mabs have proven their worth in the management of several diseases, leading several pharma companies to move into the mab market; the next stage in the development of mabs could be in addressing some of their drawbacks; developing technologies offer the potential to reduce manufacture costs and introduce oral administration to patients; a key trend currently is the refinement of existing, and the development of new, mab fragment technologies; those developing therapeutics or diagnostics may ultimately be able to adopt a mix and match approach to development; and Scotland is well placed to participate in the development and commercialisation of the next wave of mab technologies, due to its pedigree in both academia and industry.


There were no recommendations as this was not within the remit of the report.

Author ITI Life Sciences
Published Year 2010
Report Type Research
  • Business infrastructure
    Supporting key sectors
  • Sectors
    Life Sciences