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Evaluation of EDGE 2007: economic impact update - report for Scottish Enterprise Dunbartonshire


The EDGE 2007 programme aimed to support the development and growth of local businesses. The purpose of this evaluation was to test the extent to which the economic benefits the companies that participated in the programme had anticipated – during the application process and initial post-programme interview – had been realised.


The methodology consisted of interviews with the participating companies.


The economic impact update shows that the programme continues to have a positive impact on the Scottish economy. Although companies report lower projections for impact than in the immediate aftermath of participating in the programme, EDGE 2007 has: produced a gross annual increase in turnover of £3,877,000; resulted in 19 new FTE jobs; enabled participating companies to realise £31,000 per year in cost savings; resulted in a minimum annual net impact of £1,121,533 on the Scottish economy; and resulted in a GVA increase of £464,123 for the Scottish economy. It is noted that these figures are likely to represent the minimum directly attributable impact of EDGE 2007.


No specific recommendations are made but it is suggested that the EDGE team may wish to consider revisiting the economic impact two years after the completion of the programme to both establish the impact of the programme after recommendations have been fully implemented and been in place for a full business year, and to update the learning that can be applied to future early stage economic impact assessments.

Author Frontline Consultants
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Business infrastructure
    Local/community regeneration
  • Enterprise
    Support to existing/growth businesses