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Review of Chemical Sciences Scotland activities


This report reviews the progress made in delivering the activities of Chemical Sciences Scotland (CSS), an industry leadership group which has developed an overall strategic vision for the chemical sciences sector. The report assesses CSS in terms of: the strategic added value it has created; the progress made on projects supported by Scottish Enterprise (SE); and the impact of support of SE account managers on chemical science companies.


The methodology consisted of: consultations with the CSS Topic Group chairs; consultations with eight SE account managers who are providing support to chemical science companies; and monitoring data from SE Executives.


CSS is operating at a strategic level for the industry and the report finds that it has provided a strategic focus for different organisations and cohesion for the sector in Scotland. CSS has engaged a large number of partners in business, the public sector and academia. Strategic added value has been created in a number of areas, such as strategic leadership and influence, synergy, engagement and leverage. In addition, it has helped to inform the development of projects to support the CSS sector and has given these a stronger focus on the issues and opportunities facing the chemical sciences industry. In terms of projects, progress has been made in advancing investment, innovation, sustainability, reputation and skills within the sector. The number of chemical science companies that are account managed has increased from 25 to 43, although the level of engagement between the account managers and the SE Chemicals Team has varied.


The report recommends the implementation of a monitoring and evaluation framework to operate at three levels: the CSS level (in the form of a running log of activity, rather than meeting minutes); SE projects (with appropriate indicators, timing and responsibilities); and partner projects (with data accessed from partners' monitoring and evaluation processes). Consideration needs to be given as to how greater engagement can be managed between SE account managers and CSS. Other recommendations include: establishing a narrower remit for the CSS Skills Group, focusing on workforce development; strengthening the level of networking and communication between the CSS Topic Groups; and developing ways to encourage greater engagement from small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

Author James Adam, James Coggs, EKOS Ltd
Published Year 2012
Report Type Evaluation
  • Business infrastructure
    Supporting key sectors
  • Sectors
    Chemical sciences
  • Enterprise
    Sector-level support