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Scottish Seabird Centre: economic impact analysis


The Scottish Seabird Centre (SSBC) opened in North Berwick in May 2000. Scottish Enterprise Edinburgh and Lothian commissioned DTZ Pieda Consulting to undertake an economic impact appraisal (EIA) of it in January 2001. The requirements were: to undertake an EIA based on the management accounts of the facility and the 2000 visitor survey; assess the likely future visitor profile and impacts; and provide a professional assessment of the wider, non-quantifiable benefits attributable to the SSBC. The overall aim of the EIA was to determine the case for funding support for improvements to the facility.


The EIA used the SSBC’s management accounts, other data provided relating to visitor numbers and employment, and the 2000 visitor survey carried out by the SSBC.


In its first year open to the public, the SSBC contributed over £750,000 to the local economy and supported nineteen jobs. Nationally it contributed over £900,000 to the Scottish economy and supported twenty-six jobs. Improvements to the facility would have little economic impact on the local area, but are essential to ensure the SSBC’s sustainability and contribution to the area’s tourism market. The main indirect benefits of the SSBC are: its contribution to tourism; spin-off benefits to local retailers, suppliers and service providers; and provision of community facilities in the town, including cinema facilities.


The report recommends further funding to improve the SSBC as a visitor attraction.

Author DTZ Pieda Consulting
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Enterprise
    Sector-level support
  • Sectors