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Evaluation of Ayrshire Film Focus 2002 – 2004 (draft)


The Ayrshire Film Focus (AFF) aimed to promote Ayrshire as a viable filming location to film and other media production companies. The evaluation aimed to inform decisions on whether the project should continue beyond March 2005, and if so, make outline recommendations on how it could potentially be sustained and resourced.


The methodology consisted of: reviewing quantitative information on known spend/outcomes against original targets; and consultations with a sample of film production companies, location scouts, funding and non funding partners on the Advisory Group, the AFF Film Officer (making comparisons with individuals from other film offices), and individuals who have benefited from or supported AFF.


One major production was filmed in the area in the first year of the project, generating around £1.2m of spend in the area, and in theory, exceeding all its targets in that period. Suggests there is limited evidence that AFF was significantly influential in attracting this production. Concludes that the actual spend generated to date by TV/film production companies is only just over £170k. Estimates 75% of this would not have come to Ayrshire without AFF. Highlights that AFF is highly regarded by film production companies. Notes that production enquiries have steadily increased and are likely to be close to target. Finds that the original targets were overly ambitious for a new film office. The projects and Film Officer are highly regarded by members of the Advisory Group who believe the project has performed as well as could expected in the time frame.


Recommends efforts should be made to secure funding and a management structure and location more appropriate to supporting the project in building on its achievements and reputation. Concludes this would enable the project to take advantage of national inputs to secure major productions to Scotland.

Author Janet Hamilton Associates
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Sectors
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
  • Enterprise
    Entrepreneurship/new firm formation, Sector-level support