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Evaluation of impact of International Rugby Board Under 21 World Championship


The aim of the evaluation was to estimate the economic impact to the Borders of hosting four fixtures from the International Rugby Board Under 21 World Championship, what lessons could be learned to assist in the hosting of future similar events and how the facilities and experiences at the ground in Galashiels compared with other matches held elsewhere in Scotland.


A survey of spectators was carried out over the four fixtures. Telephone interviews were carried out with Intelligent Finance (a principal sponsor) and team management. Face-to-face interviews were carried out with EventScotland (the other main sponsor), Netherdale Partnership, Scottish Borders Council, Scottish Borders Tourist Board, Gala Rugby Football Club, the Scottish Rugby Union and the International Rugby Board.


Overall, the four fixtures held in Galashiels were considered a great success. Aspects which were identified as contributing to this success were: effective local partnership; the friendliness of local people; the quality of the rugby ground, which compared favourably with other host grounds; and the likelihood of visitors returning to the area in future.


Suggestions were made as to how the Borders could build on its success and attract larger events in the future. It was recommended that there should be: more time between the event's announcement and the event itself, to allow for better marketing, more use of local accommodation and increased sponsorship; better signage around the grounds; better communications between rugby governing bodies and local authorities; improvements to local infrastructure such as accommodation and transport; and more involvement with the local community, to create a greater 'buzz' around tournaments.

Author EKOS Limited
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Sectors