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Evaluation of the Scottish Semiconductor Supplier Forum Network: final report


Scottish Semiconductor Supplier Forum Limited (SSSF), a component of Scottish Enterprise (SE) Micro and Opto Electronics (MOET) cluster support, aimed to: promote and develop the semiconductor supplier infrastructure; promote cooperation and sharing of industry knowledge among members; develop linkages with industry bodies and lobby major stakeholders; and inform SE and other stakeholders of relevant industry matters. The evaluation aimed to evaluate SE support to the SSSF through investigating: the rationale and appropriateness of intervention; management processes and performance; project inputs, activities, and outputs, and meeting of objectives; the quantifiable and wider economic development benefits; value for money; and potential enhancements and future directions.


The evaluation consisted of: stakeholder consultations, including a workshop with the SSSF board; desk-based analysis tasks; and a survey of SSSF members, using 57 (63% of members) telephone or face-to-face interviews.


Confirms the sharp decline of the semiconductor sector since 1990s. Notes the marked improvement in SSSF performance since the Chairman and Managing Executive were appointed in 2004. Concludes that SSSF is delivering benefits cost effectively through proactive management, and that 54% of members reported a quantitative impact, most commonly in improved turnover. Suggests that wider impacts from SSSF membership were extensive and that the SSSF is contributing well to SE objectives at low cost to SE.


Suggests that the justification for continued public sector intervention has lessened and that SE should prepare an exit strategy in close discussion with the SSSF board. Recommends that the exit strategy committing SE to continued funding of SSSF in the medium term should contain targets relating to both continued performance and increased financial self-sustainability.

Author Biggar Economics
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Sectors
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
  • Enterprise
    Sector-level support