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Evaluation of the New Market Development programme


The New Market Development programme (NMD) was set up to help new and existing exporters develop new overseas markets. 48 companies participated in NMD between November 1996 and March 2000. They represented sixty projects and operated in a variety of sectors including food, textiles and tourism. The aims of the evaluation were: to establish the effectiveness of NMD; to obtain qualitative and quantitative feedback from participants; and to recommend improvements for future export programmes.


Background information was sought from company files held by Scottish Enterprise Borders (SEB) and additional information sought from discussions with business managers. Participating companies were interviewed either face-to-face or by telephone.


NMD had a significant impact on export activity levels in the Borders. Qualitative benefits included improved knowledge of export markets and processes. SEB also improved its image through the programme, particularly because of its flexibility.


It was recommended that any future programme should have the same degree of flexibility, and should be marketed as having a flexible and customer-focused approach. It was noted that the application procedure for companies could be made easier. It was suggested that a future export support programme could be marketed as part of an overall strategic export plan, which might help companies reduce their dependence on ‘one-off’ support and become more strategic in their approach to exports. SEB would benefit from a stronger relationship with its customer base. A single point of contact within SEB for each company would reduce confusion among participants.

Author Fazakerley Associates
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Internationalisation
    Exporting, Internationalisation of Scottish businesses
  • Sectors
    Food and drink, Textiles, Tourism