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Glasgow Challenge Projects: evaluation – final report


The Glasgow Challenge pilot projects helped to move Glasgow’s social excluded, mainly people on ‘non-Job Seekers Allowance’ (JSA), into employment. It aimed to improve the links and progression between projects tackling social exclusion and those focusing on getting people into jobs, and demonstrate mechanisms and approaches which can be applied more generally within the city to move significant numbers of the excluded into work. The evaluation aimed to assess the experience and contribution of the ten projects funded under the Glasgow Challenge.


The methodology consisted of an investigation of the individual projects, including their project rationales, experiences, problems, responses, future targets, performances, budgets, and overall assessments.


Considers the projects have had only a short time period to deliver an innovative activity to a disadvantaged client group. Observes that most projects were slow in getting started. Highlights the lack of referrals from Jobcentre Plus. Finds that projects which offer a more structured, full-time training opportunity breach the regulations surrounding Incapacity Benefit. Relatively few projects have achieved the targets set for numbers of participating clients, and numbers into jobs and training. Notes the diversity of the client group. Highlights that some of the projects are dealing with more job ready clients. Intimates that weaker project performance may equate to projects trying harder to reach non-engaged clients.


Recommends there may be a need for more precise guidance on: eligibility for the programme; the collection of client information; responsibility for the long term tracking of clients; the Board representatives’ role in the process; the monitoring systems; and which subsections of the non-JSA client group the projects are trying to help. Suggests the need for more investment in processes to raise the effectiveness of service delivery, including: more effective joint working between the agencies; more effective processes for engaging employers; and building up the capacity of frontline staff working with these groups.

Author Training and Employment Research Unit, University of Glasgow
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Economic Inclusion