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Review of Electronics Initiative


The Electronics Initiative was designed to support diversification and business development in the electronics sector in Renfrewshire. It commenced in 2001 and built on the support previously available through the Electronics Renfrewshire programme. The objectives of the review were: to assess the initiative’s delivery agents, consultants from Arts and Science; to measure the impact on companies to date; and to identify areas of learning and best practice for the future delivery of the initiative.


Desk research took the form of gathering relevant internal data. Consultations were undertaken with Scottish Enterprise Renfrewshire (SER), Arts and Science and several participating companies.


Overall, Arts and Science were found to have provided a very good service. All surveyed believed the initiative to be relevant, and that it should continue. The impact on companies at the time of the review was found to be positive, but in a minor way.


It was recommended that the SER project manager consider the following: extending the remit of Arts and Science in several ways; and encouraging more involvement by client managers and more interaction between client managers and Arts and Science consultants.

Author Sheila Perry, Evaluation Executive, SE Renfrewshire
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Sectors
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
  • Enterprise
    Support to existing/growth businesses