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Skills Pipeline project evaluation


The Skills Pipeline project aimed to provide customised training for jobs in the financial sector and increase the pool of skilled people in the Glasgow area to supply local companies. The evaluation aimed to assess whether or not the project achieved its overall objectives to: train unemployed people to enable them to take up jobs in the financial sector; and acts as a skills pipeline for the companies involved.


The methodology consisted of: interviews with the Project Manager and participating companies; and telephone surveys with individuals who had attended promotion events and / or participated in the training course.


Suggests employers had low expectations of this type of project to deliver ‘quality’ recruits. Concludes that the project does not train unemployed people to take up jobs, is set at a basic level, and is perceived to be only a ‘pre-screening’ programme. Satisfaction with Shopping Centre promotion events were high. Evening events were less successful, regarded as less organised, and attendees’ expectations were not adequately managed. A challenge in delivering the training course was the diversity of participant. The profile of respondents on the database differed to the profiles of training participants. Finds the model used to allow companies to participant was relatively weak with a lack of interaction and communication. Finds positive outcomes for individuals on the database and attending the training sessions.


For increased employers’ participation, recommends: more effective recruitment and screening; more involvement in evening events and training course design; including site visits at call centres; managing trainee expectations; ensuring accurate database information; and developing database as a resource. Recommends clarity in terms of recruitment and the nature of the job for trainee participants, and follow-up for those on the database. Recommends that training providers should have the opportunity to input into course design, flexibility and selection process.

Author T L Dempster Strategy and Research
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Sectors
    Financial and business services
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development