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Core Skills pilot project 2003 / 2004: evaluation report


The Workforce Development Programme Core Skills Pilot aimed to look at the effectiveness of two differing approaches to training in Core Skills – a traditional classroom style approach and a supported e-learning approach. The evaluation aimed to: analysis the process, performance and sustainability of programme outcomes; identify the effectiveness of the approach; compare and contrast the two different types of provision; and assess the success of the pilot with a view to potential development.


The methodology consisted of examining the marketing, individual learning plans, conversion statistics, trainees’ views, and employers’ views of Core Skills.


Concludes that the pilot is innovative, practical and cost effective. The project achieved well in excess of its target outputs. The traditional approach resulted in 3 companies and 16 trainees completing 31 Core Skills modules. Distance e-learning resulted in 21 companies and 100 trainees completing 500 modules. Individual Learning Plans met all requirements and the training providers were of the highest standard. Employers and trainees initially found it difficult to understand the concept of Core Skills. Finds that group working gives a greater return than trainees working individually. The programme meets the Workforce Development Target of upskilling low skilled workers, allows companies to achieve capacity building and growth, and achieves against Network targets.


Proposes that the distance learning model be used for future Core Skills programmes. Before mainstreaming the pilot, recommends: compiling initial explanation documentation; effectively communicating the Core Skills process and outcomes; and defining timescales to ensure future employer and trainee commitment. SEFV should consider contracting with training providers to deliver Access 3 Core Skills and ENTO modules, assist smaller providers with verification processes, and perhaps include PC Passport as an introductory offer. SEFV should focus on sectors of industrial growth or reduction and target IiP and Forum companies. Recommends that the programme is rolled out to employers on a 50% funding basis.

Author PSP Consulting Limited
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Skills Development