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Evaluation of the St Andrews University Fuel Cell Project


The St Andrews Fuel Cell Commercialisation Project (FCCP) was set up with both technical and economic development purposes: to advance a new concept to address sealing and interconnection problems in current solid oxide fuel cells, to prove this concept and then to commercialise this technology. The intended project impacts included the commercial take-up of this technology and the creation of a design and manufacturing chain for the technology. The project was funded by Scottish Enterprise Energy Team and Scottish Enterprise Fife. The evaluation sought to assess the cost effectiveness and value for money of the project, as well as confirming what market failure had been addressed, identifying the project’s outputs and inputs, and setting out lessons for the future.


It is concluded that all technical aspects of the project have been addressed successfully, with nine patents being filed and an award granted for further development of the technology. The incorporation of a spin-out company, St Andrews Fuel Cells Limited, indicates the successful commercialisation of the technology, in addition to the first round risk investment obtained from a private investor. Suggests that the project fits well with the Energy Team’s objectives but that it is too early to judge economic development impacts. The company expects to support the employment of 10 people in the short to medium term.


The evaluation recommends that the terms of the claw-back agreement with the University of St Andrews is reviewed. The importance of recruiting the right people at the right time to the spin-out from the project is stressed, and the importance of access to industry experts for the commercialisation of the technology is emphasised.


The evaluation recommends that the terms of the claw-back agreement with the University of St Andrews is reviewed. The importance of recruiting the right people at the right time to the spin-out from the project is stressed, and the importance of access to industry experts for the commercialisation of the technology is emphasised.

Author SQW Limited
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Sectors
  • Innovation