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Interim evaluation of the Clyde Waterfront regeneration initiative


The Clyde Waterfront Regeneration Initiative (CWRI) aimed to monitor and coordinate the regeneration of the Clyde Waterfront area, from Glasgow Green to Erskine Bridge, to ensure: development activity linked and integrated; a consistent approach to quality; partners’ investment aligned; and the Clyde Waterfront was marketed consistently and coherently. The evaluation aimed to assess the impact of the initiative since its inception in 2003 and make recommendations for the design and delivery of the CWRI in future.


The methodology consisted of: a review of documentation; consultations with stakeholders from the Delivery Board, additional senior officers within the partner organisations and other relevant organisations; consultations with property developers; a developer forum event; a telephone survey of businesses; a web-survey of users of the Clyde Waterfront website; and community consultation events in each of the three local authority areas.


The report finds that overall progress of the CWRI is positive and there is a sense of the emergence of distinctive ‘character’ areas along the waterfront. The stakeholders in CWRI have secured a high level of new development and investment, with a significant employment impact. The report highlights issues arising from the developments to date, including a lack of: transport infrastructure and connectivity; benefits to local communities; balance of investment; quality and design; and use of the waterfront. Some key successes include the International Financial Services District (IFSD), the ‘in scale’ development at Clydebank, the Pacific Quay media quarter, and Renfrew Riverside. The net additional impact of the initiative has significantly surpassed its targets. The Partnership has been relatively successful at balancing a diverse range of marketing activity.


The evaluation suggests that the Clyde Waterfront remains a key focus for regeneration. Recommends that the Vision and mission statement are reviewed, senior personnel from stakeholder organisations are involved in the partnership and that Fastlink transport infrastructure project is critical for the CWRI. The website should remain a priority and focus on inward investment marketing. The CWRI should communicate, share and disseminate best practice with partners and engage with local communities. Curriculum resources should be promoted and developed. The CWRI should pursue specific agendas surrounding water access and green infrastructure and develop new proposals in response to the recent recession. Suggests that the initiative should continue to: be promoted as an information source for private developers; maintain investment in the public realm; ensure local communities benefit from initiatives; and develop a vibrant waterfront. In relation to performance monitoring, net impacts should be calculated on a three yearly basis and yearly baseline reports should be produced.

Author GEN consulting (UK) Ltd; Edaw; Aecom
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Business infrastructure
    Area regeneration