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Interim evaluation of the MSc Supply Chain Management Programme


This programme funded the establishment of a part-time degree course in Supply Chain Management (SCM), delivered by three universities, aimed at the electronics industry. It was designed to: increase productivity, efficiency and performance of participating companies; increase information exchange; and disseminate good practice in SCM across the electronics sector.


The methodology consisted of telephone and face-to-face meetings with Scottish Enterprise (SE) and the Scottish Enterprise Electronics Team (SEET); in-depth interviews with the course professors, administrator and students, and 5 of 7 companies; desk and telephone research into alternative industry sectors; and presentation of this report.


Presents feedback on the success of the project to date in meeting its principal objectives and targets. Assesses the future of the project and reviews the partnership working arrangements and marketing and recruitment activities for the course. Finds that the M.Sc. has been received positively by universities, students and companies and suggests that a good level of benefits and impacts have been achieved, even at this early stage. Concludes that communication between SE and universities could be improved and finds that further market research will be necessary if the course is to meet its economic impacts.


Recommends that SEET and the universities should research the level of interest in M.Sc. among various industry sectors; that a marketing / research plan should be developed; and the longer-term communication needs and systems between SEET and the universities should be reviewed. SEET’s exit strategy should be considered. Suggests that review of the course material should focus on potential elements of duplication and increased use of industry experts and case studies.

Author T L Dempster Strategy and Research
Published Year 2009
Report Type Evaluation
  • Sectors
    Digital markets and enabling technologies
  • Labour Market and Skills
    Leadership/management development