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Scotland’s Geothermal Supply Chain Analysis and Global Market Opportunities Study


Scottish Enterprise commissioned Optimat to: identify and map Scotland’s oil and gas supply chain capability in drilling, sub surface modelling, corrosion mitigation and data analytics that could exploit geothermal opportunities; identify and characterise geothermal market opportunities that are attractive for Scotland’s oil and gas supply chain capability; and recommend attractive market opportunities for diversification.


Desk based analysis of databases and websites and stakeholder interviews.


For the purposes of this project, “geothermal activity” includes: Geothermal for power generation, Geothermal for heat production, including, district heating networks, Abandoned mines and subsequent geothermal development. The key focus areas included: drilling, sub-surface modelling, corrosion and data analytics companies. 220 Scottish oil and gas supply chain companies were identified with capabilities offering the potential for diversification into the geothermal supply chain. A number of economic opportunities were identified including: Well engineering; Corrosion and scaling, Sensing; Modelling and simulation. A number of priority geographic markets were identified including: Turkey, Indonesia, the USA and Germany.


More in-depth analysis of specific opportunities is carried out to support Scottish companies to pursue them. Access to a database of developing and new geothermal projects and contracts is established to identify forthcoming opportunities for Scottish companies. Market access mechanisms, through a range of linkages, including diversified oil and gas companies and national renewable energy organisations, are developed.

Author Optimat/Scottish Enterprise
Published Year 2022
Report Type Research
  • Business infrastructure
    Supporting key sectors
  • Enterprise
    Sector-level support
  • Sectors